Why Your Clients are Cancelling and Rescheduling

Jan 21, 2024
why your clients are cancelling and rescheduling


If you've noticed an uptick in cancellations or rescheduling in your salon business, you're not alone my friend. Our landscape is shifting behind the chair, and it's time to comb through the reasons why. It's not just about awesome hair anymore; it's about creating an experience so enriching that your clients can't wait to come back. Your chair will be the automatic choice for them time and time again. And if you're somehow not their first choice, you need to know why so you have an opportunity to grow and course-correct. 

The Changing Tide of Salons

Gone are the days when clients would stick to a stylist simply for convenience or affordability. Today's clients are looking for more. They have more choices and are more careful about where they spend their money. So, what does this mean for you, the stylist? It's time to level up your game in client relationship building.

You're going to do this by fostering more trust and loyalty, being persistent, learning how to 'work' people, and leading with solutions. And on top of all this you're going to start cultivating a 'waitlist' strategy so that you have second and third string clients to call in when the roster gets lean. These things make you the obvious choice for clients and save you from cancellations and reschedules. 

Cultivating Trust and Loyalty

The foundation of a robust client base is trust and loyalty. But how do you build this? First, let's talk vulnerability. Yes, it might seem counterintuitive, but showing your human side – admitting when something didn't go as planned and working together to fix it – can actually strengthen the client-stylist bond. This is such a big hurdle for so many of us to get over because we feel like we have to show up as the 'expert' who knows everything about hair. We feel like if we admit that something didn't go as planned, or that we made a mistake (even if it's minor), that our clients won't respect us and won't come back to us.

But the truth couldn't be further from that! When we allow ourselves to be a bit vulnerable and admit when something didn't go as planned, our clients learn they can trust us. And that trust is what keeps them coming back for more. 

The key to this? Always lead with solutions. Don't just say "oops. It looks like a foil bled. What would you like me to do about it?" Instead, lead with the solution: "Oops. It looks like a foil bled. Let me just fix that real quick and make you good as new." 

Yes. It may take more time to address these things, but in the long run the bond that you're building with that client will make it worth it.

Having a solutions-based frame of mind will always get you further with clients in their trust-journey with you. If you don't know the answer to one of their questions, take it upon yourself to find out! Tell your client you don't know the answer, but that you will figure it out and let them know.

And then follow up... 

Persistence Pays Off

Then there's persistence – not the pushy kind, but the thoughtful, client-centered kind. When you haven't heard back from a client in a while and you're starting to wonder if they've chosen to go elsewhere...reach out to them! 

Here in the digital world, we'd call that person a 'warm lead'. They are someone that has expressed interest in you as a business but aren't totally sold yet. I mean, haven't you ever gotten one of those 'abandoned cart' emails? That's their way of reaching out to say "hey, we'd really love your business". 

You need to treat these clients like this. When you reach out to them, lead with kindness and honesty. Something like: "Hey, I noticed it's been a while since I've seen you. I really enjoy our time together and just wanted to let you know that I'm looking forward to seeing you again". (Or, something like that). 

And if you STILL don't get a response, I coach stylists to go in 'Client Recovery Mode'. Lead with your entrepreneur hat on here. Reach out to your client again, but this time you're going to ask them what you could have done to keep their business. Express that you're sad to see them go and would really love feedback so that you don't lose valued clients like them again. 

Listen... your client leaving you may have NOTHING to do with you. They may have some crazy sh*t going on in their life that prevents them from coming to see you. Or, they may have some valuable feedback for you that you can use for future reference. Either way, this reach out is letting this 'warm lead' know that you value their business and welcome it with open arms. I've used this exact format countless times over the years and had clients come back to me years later begging to see me. 

Don't ever lose a client without taking this step! 

The Art of 'Working' People

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: 'working' people. It sounds manipulative, but it's not. It's about understanding human psychology, what makes people tick, and how to connect with them on a deeper level. It's the difference between a client who sees you as just another stylist and one who sees you as an irreplaceable part of their self-care routine. This is a very nuanced topic that I dive more into in my signature course 'Salon Experience Academy', but what I'll tell you here today is this: 

As a creative you have really high emotional intelligence (whether you know that or not). You just need to tap into that natural ability and use it in your salon.  The quicker you can access someone and figure out what the need from you, the quicker you can serve them in a way that makes them feel like they've come to the 'right place', every time. 

And it's not about being shape-shifty or fake. It's just about leaning into specific details that you're gathering from your client and tailoring their experience to fit their needs. 

A Robust Waitlist is Within Reach

One little secret weapon I've used in my business from the very beginning, was creating a scarcity mindset with my clients. 

I basically make it seem like I am busier than I actually am. And this only works in your favor if you ALSO learn to utilize the magic of the waitlist. It's tricky to get this balance right, but when you do it is pure magic my friend. 

You're confident in your hair skills, and that's great! But in today's competitive market, that's only half the battle. Remember, the goal is to create a client experience so memorable that they wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. And when you achieve that, a full book and a robust waitlist will follow naturally.

If you liked this blog and want more, make sure to subscribe to my podcast and check out my FREE resource that stylists just like you have been loving and using to level up their business. Get the 'Client Experience Toolkit' while it's still FREE. 

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