Packing My Shears & Sunscreen for Premiere Orlando!🌴✂️

Apr 03, 2024


Big news: I’m heading to Florida, and no, it’s not just for the world-renowned oranges or to perfect my sandcastle-building skills (though, let's be real, those are both solid reasons).

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be speaking at Premiere Orlando—one of the nation's largest and most impactful conventions for us hairstylists. And guess what? You’re all invited to join in on the fun, learning, and, of course, the sunshine.

Why Premiere Orlando? 🎤🌞

Imagine a place where the brightest minds in beauty come together, where creativity flows like the endless iced coffee we’ll all need to keep up with the excitement. That’s Premiere Orlando. From June 1-3, this event transforms into the epicenter of hairstyling genius—and this year, it’s about to get an extra dose of sparkle (yep, that’s me).

But wait, it gets better. NAHA is also going to be there, making this the ultimate rendezvous you don’t want to miss. It’s like the Oscars for us salon folk, and I’m already practicing my red-carpet wave.

What’s on the Agenda? 📚💡

I’ll be diving into the nitty-gritty of what makes a stylist not just good, but great. Think of it as your Hogwarts letter to the world of hair magic. Here’s a sneak peek at the classes I’ll be conjuring up:

  • Elevating Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Boost Client Relationships: Because the heart of hairstyling is not just about snips and styles but about creating bonds that last.
  • How to Speak Stylist: Mastering Communication for Salon Success: Learn the language that turns consultations into confidences and appointments into affirmations.
  • Mastering The Art Of Client Connections: Fostering Loyalty and Elevating Your Career: Discover the alchemy of loyalty and how it can transform your career from mundane to magnificent.

Snag Your Ticket Before They're as Hot as Florida’s Sun ☀️💰

Now, for the cherry on top of this sun-kissed opportunity: I’ve got a special link that saves you $55 on ticket prices, but only until April 24th. So, if you’ve ever dreamt of basking in the glow of beauty brilliance (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?), click here and make sure you’re part of the magic.

This isn’t just an event; it’s a catalyst for change in your career. Imagine leaving Premiere Orlando not just with a tan but with a treasure trove of knowledge, skills, and connections that propel you into the stratosphere of the styling world.

So, pack your bags, bring your best hair tools, and maybe a notebook or two—you’re about to embark on a journey that redefines what it means to be a hairstylist.

Can’t wait to see you there, where we’ll turn the heat up on hair education and maybe, just maybe, perfect our flamingo impressions by the pool after.

Your guide to the galaxy of glam,

Crystal AKA Your Hair Mentor

P.S. Don’t wait too long; I’d hate for you to miss out and have to hear about how amazing it was through the grapevine. Secure your spot here and let’s make hair history together at Premiere Orlando. 🌟

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