It's a podcast thing...

haircare hairclass hairpodcast hairstylist healthy naturalhair organic salon salonbusiness shampoo styling Mar 21, 2022
Introducing the new Podcast called Your Hair Mentor

It's a podcast thing. 

Somewhere along the way, I decided I like to talk more than write. (Go figure. Haha.) Instead of fighting it, I embraced it wholeheartedly. 
So I will now be providing content via blogs AND my podcast! And I must say, it's a pretty good podcast folks. You'll find that the podcast and the blog may not always be on the exact same topic, so make sure to check out both. 

The podcast is called "Your Hair Mentor", and it's a mix of my advice and real-life stories. It's also an opportunity for me to answer any questions you may have regarding your hair. If you'd like me to address any question you have, write to me at:

[email protected]

I'll see you over on the podcast, which is available wherever you like to listen. But since most of you listen on Apple Podcasts, here's a link for that to make it easy: Apple Podcast

Until then, have a great hair day friend!


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