Difficult Salon Clients

business clients hairstylist relationships salon Apr 01, 2023
how to deal with difficult clients in the salon

After being in the industry for over two decades, I can confidently say that one of the most challenging aspects of our job is dealing with "difficult clients." Whether it's a miscommunication about the desired style, an unrealistic expectation, or just a plain old bad attitude, it can be frustrating and even discouraging. However, with the right mindset and approach, we can navigate these situations with grace and professionalism and keep our sanity at the same time. 

First and foremost, communication is key. Before starting any service, it's absolutely crucial to have a thorough consultation with the client. Ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses. This will not only ensure that you understand their desired outcome but also build trust and rapport. It's also important to manage expectations and be honest about what is achievable based on the client's hair type, length, and current condition. You are the pro in the situation, and it's up to you to assess and determine what will work with their hair. This will help prevent any disappointment or dissatisfaction down the road. If you need more guidance with your consultations, go download my Consultation Cheat Sheet. It's a great free resource designed to help you master your consultations and expectations. 

In addition to communication, maintaining professionalism is essential when dealing with difficult clients. It can be easy to get defensive or lose our cool when faced with a challenging situation, but it's important to remain calm and composed. Imagine you a wearing a "work hat" that allows you to assume a different perspective than you would in your personal life. Avoid getting into an argument or being passive-aggressive. Instead, focus on finding a solution and being accommodating to the client's needs. Sometimes, a little extra effort can go a long way in diffusing a tense situation.

It's also helpful to set boundaries and expectations from the start. Let the client know what is and isn't acceptable behavior, such as arriving on time for appointments or respecting your professional opinion. This will not only set the tone for a positive experience but also prevent any potential conflicts or confusion. All you are doing is assuming your role as the expert in the situation, because you are. 

When dealing with a difficult client, it's important to remember that it's not personal. Often times, clients may have their own external stressors or insecurities that can affect their behavior. It's not our job to fix these issues, but rather to provide a safe and comfortable space for them to receive our services. I know that's hard to do because we are literally in the business of relationships and we feel responsible sometimes for our client's feelings. Just keep an open mind and understand that you may not be the source of their frustrations.

In some cases, it may be necessary to politely decline further services for a client who consistently exhibits rude or disrespectful behavior. While it's important to remain professional and respectful, it's also important to prioritize our own mental and emotional well-being. And if you do decide to cut ties with a client, make sure you do it in a way that is kind and courteous. The last thing you want is to say something they can repeat to potential customers or online that may ruin your reputation. Refrain from accusations, and instead just focus on what needs to happen. They need to see another stylist. Maybe you even know a person that is better equipped to satisfy that client's personality so you can make a recommendation. 

To wrap this up, dealing with difficult clients can be a challenging aspect of our job as hairstylists. However, with effective communication skills, professionalism, and a positive attitude, we can navigate these situations with grace and professionalism. Remember to set expectations, manage expectations, and prioritize both the client's needs and our own well-being. By doing so, we can build lasting relationships with our clients and provide exceptional service every time. These relationships will carry you through the good times and the bad, so hold on to them tightly! 

Your Hair Mentor,


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